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New Brand: Stapelstein® has arrived at Wooden Playroom
New Brand: Stapelstein® has arrived at Wooden Playroom
Encaustic Art - Distributed by Wooden Playroom in Australia
Encaustic Wax Art distributed in Australia by Wooden Playroom

Encaustic Wax Art

Painting with hot wax, known as Encaustic Art, uses heat to melt wax colours to produce artistic results. 

Encaustic Hot Wax Painting is an ancient process dating back to the Greeks - the word encaustic originates from the Greek word enkaustikos, which means to 'burn in'. The Greeks used the hot wax to caulk the hulls of ships and with the addition of colour pigment were able to create elaborate decorations on their warships. Encaustic painting examples can be found in icon painting, ancient Egypt, Australian Aboriginal cave paintings and forms the basis for Kut-Kut, a traditional art form of the Philippines.

Encaustic Wax Art distributed in Australia by Wooden Playroom

Today, special encaustic painting tools are used to heat, apply and manipulate the art effect.  As each layer of hot wax paint is added, it reheats and fuses to the previous layers. The layering of wax and colour pigments produces long lasting wax art, with a rich, optical and multi-dimensional effect – artwork that has a living quality.

The brand Encaustic Art is the original company to create modern encaustic painting tools and methods. These have evolved, and continue to be added to, providing the creative and inspiring Encaustic Art range we have today.

View our range of Encaustic Art Products